今日の英語(QuickBasic マニュアルを読む)

1 11月

(1)The increment defaults to a value of one if it isn’t specified.


(2)There are many ways to write a program. If your program works, it’s correct, even
if it differs from the program given here.


(3)Prompt the user for quantity of numbers to be averaged.


(4)p68, The program computes the average of several numbers. It could be written in the following sequence.

プログラムはいくつかの数値の平均を計算します。 以下のような順番で書くとよいでしょう。

(5)p68, A solution is given below, but please try to create your own program before peeking.


(6)P.78 Aggregate data types are those that can include both strings and all types of numeric values.


(7)p.82 Although every program has a module
level, a procedure level does not exist until a procedure is actually defined.


(8)p75, This chapter takes about one hour to complete.

この章の所要時間は約 1 時間です。

(9)p.87 On-line help includes complete descriptions and examples of each Quick BASIC statement and function.

オンラインヘルプには、完成した説明書とQuick BASICにおけるそれぞれの具体的な文章や関数の例が含まれます。

(10)p79,This lets you see the effects of a procedure without running the entire program.


(11)p.78~79 If a certain type of error occurs during execution of QCARDS,
the statements following MemoryErr display a message on the screen, then end
the program.


(12)p.77 QCARDS is a large program, but it is organized according to structured programming principles (that is, it divides complicated tasks into simpler ones).

QCARDS は大規模なプログラムですが、構造化されたプログラミング原則に従って編成されています (つまり、複雑なタスクがより単純なタスクに分割されます)。

(13) p.79 Press ENTER to execute the line you just typed.


(14)p80,Try this to break an unconditional loop


(15)p79, There are two levels of programming in QCARDS. The module level contains the program’s most general logic. The procedure level contains many individual procedures that do the program’s detailed work.

QCARDS には 2 つのレベルのプログラミングがあります。 モジュール レベルには、プログラムの最も一般的なロジックが含まれています。 プロシージャ レベルには、プログラムの詳細な作業を実行する多くの個別のプロシージャが含まれています。

(16)p.91 Some errors are not apparent until you actually try to run your code.


(17)p83,Procedures are an effective way to code tasks that are performed repeatedly.


(18)p.83 QuickBASIC lets you define two types of procedures: SUB and FUNCTION procedures


(19) p80: However, QuickBASIC checks for one particular key-press combination, CTRL+break, which lets you break out of an infinite loop and return to the QuickBASIC environment.

ただし、QuickBASIC は 1 つの特定のキー押しの組み合わせ (CTRL+break) をチェックします。これにより、無限ループから抜け出して QuickBASIC 環境に戻ることができます。

(20)p.80 Note that when you finish adding code to QCARDS, a user will be able to press any of the high-intensity letters on the QCARDS command line to execute commands.


(21)p87,One thing that makes editing in QuickBASIC different from using an ordinary word processor is its“smart editor”.
